I recently joined FlyLady.net to help me get organized and feel good about myself and my house. I just wanted to say how much I love this system. I have been able to keep the house clean, laundry & dishes kept on top of & still spend plenty of time playing with Cameron and even taking naps when I want to. I feel so good about myself and my house. I admit that after two weeks of great I fell of the horse for a why, but I stopped procrastinating getting back on and within less than an hour (15 minute intervals spaced through out the day) my mess that I thought was untackleable turned into a beautiful clean home with fresh cut flowers on the table and dinner ready when Brian came home. I have been able to keep up with it & I am feeling so good & Brian is feeling good, even Cameron enjoys the cleanliness (it gives him something to mess up) or at least the fact that Mama is happier. So for any of you who are living in C.H.A.O.S. -can't have anyone over syndrome, I highly recommend this. Seriously the only thing that is a downside is that they send you a lot of emails (but like she says cyber clutter is easy to clean up with the click of the delete button) I delete most of the testimonials and most of the other emails have the pertinent info in the subject so that you can just delete those too , which leaves you with only 1 or 2 that you actually have to read and those are usually short. She even has tips for FLYing With the Kids!
FLYing while Pregnant
FLYing with Baby
FLYing With Preschoolers
FLYing With School Age Children
FLYing With Teenagers
FLYing With Homeschoolers
FLYing With Big Families
FLYing as a Single Parent
Anyway, FlyLady has really helped me a lot and it has helped relieve the stress in our home caused by the clutter and CHAOS. So, if you have ever heard of it and were wondering if it was worth a try, I give FlyLady two thumbs way up. She has taught me the importance of baby steps and not procrastinating and that you can do anything for 15 minutes at a time (you would be surprised what you can get done in that short amount of time when you have a timer set).
FLYing while Pregnant
FLYing with Baby
FLYing With Preschoolers
FLYing With School Age Children
FLYing With Teenagers
FLYing With Homeschoolers
FLYing With Big Families
FLYing as a Single Parent
Anyway, FlyLady has really helped me a lot and it has helped relieve the stress in our home caused by the clutter and CHAOS. So, if you have ever heard of it and were wondering if it was worth a try, I give FlyLady two thumbs way up. She has taught me the importance of baby steps and not procrastinating and that you can do anything for 15 minutes at a time (you would be surprised what you can get done in that short amount of time when you have a timer set).
This sounds like something I should look into!
Hmmm...me too. I love the CHAOS acronym! That is perfect!
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