What's with the name of this blog?
I awoke this morning with a desire to document stories about me and my
family. As I was researching how I could do this, I found this blog. So
today, t...
Blogs have been abandoned
I decided to pull up my blog last night. Quite honestly, I had forgotten
that I even had one (or three). It has been years since I have thought
about it,...
Ogunquit Beach trip
Daddy had a day off and we headed to the beach and it was my favorite
beach trip of all time. My big kids had so much fun playing and jumping in
the wave...
And the little one said "roll over"
Guess who just rolled over for the first time? This little one. We're
driving home from Montana and stopped in Wendy's for lunch. We put Nora on
the grou...
Jake is 10!
*Birthday Breakfast - a kolache and a donut = 10!*
*Minecraft Torch*
*Luke was super excited to get Jake some new Pokemon Toys*
*So exc...
Time waits for no man...or woman
It has been two years since I lasted wrote a blog post. I have thought
about starting up again several times, but ridiculous insecurities stopped
me each ...
Some Like it HOT!
We were at a Mexican restaurant when Ross thought it would be funny to
give Luke a taste of the very spicy salsa. He wanted to see the sad
reaction. We ...
school's out forever
friday afternoon was the doctoral hooding ceremony. it began with a parade
(grant is looking up at the camera; his advisor is behind him waving):
hazel a...
I have moved to a better blog hosting site... I am sick of Blogger! Please
update all your info to my new address.
I will be routing my domain there once I...
Dinosaurs, Mammoths and the Tallest Miner in Utah
We went to the dinosaur museum in Price Utah a couple of weeks ago.
Apparently there were wooly mammoths around here until hundreds of years
after Christ.
Christmas 2013
I’m just going to warn you now that this one is a very picture heavy post.
This year Santa came early, the kids were kinda spoiled. It was very fun!
Mummy loves Art
After watching an episode of art zooka where they showed you how to draw a
shark, Will and Zac decided they would try some underwater scenes of their
own. ...
Almost Home
We are on our second to last flight which is from Frankfurt to Atlanta.
Once we get in our last airport lounge, we will get our last updates
posted. Our ad...
The 4th of July 2009 in Geneseo was super fun! The kids played at the park,
and went down the super slide that goes down a big hill and the
Houston's 6th Birthday
Better late than never, considering the fact that Houston's Birthday was at
the first part of February!
Houston woke up and got to follow a trail of pres...
Things are good right now.
Nothing fantastic or exciting. Which is why things are so good. After all
of our travelling during the fall (which was precede...
The one thing I like about Halloween
Halloween is NOT my favorite holiday. In fact, it's my LEAST favorite
holiday! However, there is one thing that comes from Halloween that I truly
enjoy: Gh...
3-5 month Schedule
So apparently I am a fan of schedules ...who knew?
As a pre-baby adult I never followed a schedule...and I liked it ..
Being my mother's daughter, I am not ...
The Great Wedding
Yesterday was the big day! We headed down for Josh and Lolli's Sealing in
the Logan Temple. Some bums off the street decided to decorate their car.
How rud...
Creamed Spinach
This is the best my kids have ever eaten their spinach! Some of them like
it with just the lemon, but they all loved it this way!
*Creamed Spinach*
1 s...
Henry is one month old!
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Photo collage created with Smilebox
Much Needed Update!!!
Eli Benjamin Haga was born at 1:57pm on July 31st, 2009. He was 7lb 12oz
and 19inches long. I went into the hospital with contractions Thursday
night and ...
That's what my hubby is!! He took the boys out to get some sort of cable at
target and after he put the boys to sleep and everything, he told me he had
Airport Pasta
I know, strange name for a dish. Let me give you a little bit of
background. At the Denver airport there is a little restaurant that serves
the most amazin...
It looks beautiful. It was really sweet of you to go all out for them!!
That's so fun! It makes me wish that we were there to share in fun times with you guys!
The roses were so fragrant too! It was breathtaking.
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